Quick Win: Competitor Analysis

Today I’ve got another ‘Quick Win’ for you, and this one’s all about boosting your social media engagement.

Watch the Video Below to view the Competitor Analysis ‘Quick Win’ episode

Why Competitor Analysis?

Understanding what your competitors are doing well can offer valuable insights into your own digital strategy. It’s a quick and effective way to identify gaps in your approach and find inspiration for improvements. In just a few minutes, you can gain actionable insights that can be leveraged to refine your own digital strategy for long-term success.

How to Perform a Quick Competitor Analysis

  1. Identify Competitors: Make a list of three businesses that are direct competitors to your own.
  2. Research: Visit their websites and social media platforms to observe their digital strategies.
  3. Note Strengths: Identify one digital strategy where each competitor excels.
  4. Document: Write down the names of the competitors and their respective strengths for future reference.

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